
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Love the Prophet SAW

Love the Prophet SAW A contemplation Love of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Written in Morals by abihasan in / on September 27th, 2007
If we like and love the things, surely we will often call it something. In fact, we will strive to maintain the state of things that we love it well. Whatever we akan persembahkan for these things. When we made the household furniture as one of the things that we like and love, we will always merawatnya, acapkali cleared, menatanya with tidy and always make it as one of the main concerns. Something to talk and writing about the nuances of the furniture will be very interesting and so our main concern. True is not it? again if we are like a man who loves and hygiene. To the point of view of any of us go, certainly the first thing that our attention is a matter of kebersihannya. If a corner in which we view the situation we encountered in the dirty, we certainly thought to be disrupted and wish to immediately create a situation that looks clean again. others if we have someone too and make the idol. We will often mention his name, either in front of many people in a way to recount all the benefits even dreamed of the bed. sadarkah But we, Muslims in particular, that figure is someone who we have been almost forget. The best being that Allah SWT hadirkan to the world. Indeed, the figure must be the example and idol. Figures that as always hoped in each draw breath, every movement in gerik and daily doings. Figures that diimpi-impikan to diteladani akhlaknya. Figure that was born with the perfection and to improve the morals. No, except that he take a warning-a warning to honor the way of goodness and truth to a true love that, that is, the love of Allah SWT and to his esakan. brother, he Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW, the cover prophet, bearer of the message of divine truth. At this time, is the extent to which the feeling of love we really menghunjam dihati against his SAW? Speech is out of our mouth when the man he called by someone? The glory as if we want? Glory in the human eye, or the glory in the sight of Allah SWT? Surely, the good speech out of the lips when the name of our Prophet Muhammad SAW is called a form of greeting sholawat and prayers that we submit to him. And not the person who was only called stingy people who do not want to give the surplus wealth, but in the words of Rasulullah SAW haditsnya, that "People griping (parsimonious) that is when the person who called my name (Muhammad SAW), but he does not want to bersholawat" . Alas, where will we face this akan With. Shame it's at this time we are far from what is felt to the friend of the Prophet SAW. The friend of the blue when haru with Rasulullah SAW. It's a crying when he called the name of man, want to remain together and he always accompany the man, even one of the Companions of Rasulullah SAW who are concerned can not meet his man - though he has guaranteed the Garden - when considering the death akan mendatanginya and the Prophet's death SAW. Indeed, for the prophet Muhammad SAW is required, beyond our love of ourselves, parents, children, family, property, and even all mankind. And one sign of someone who loves Rasulullah SAW is hoped that very akan meeting with him and he SAW. And both of them is lost is more serious for him to lose any of this in the world.

Ya Allah Ya Rabbiy,
Kurniakanlah our mind sparker
Akan Cinta Rasul-Mu terkasih
With the real true love
Which is not only recognition but the form of verification
Which makes the meeting with her as a favorite ...


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